Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Look who is blogging!

Mom came by the house on her way to education week in Idaho (she drove for the first time without stopping overnight...that's why she looks so bad) and decided to learn how to blog. She came to the master (well, Marsh was busy, so I had to fill in for him). I spent the better part of the day teaching her the ins and outs of blogging. Then, Mike came in and organized all her pictures on the computer in about 5 minutes flat. She has now doubled our inheritance in her will...SWEET!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Move along little doggie...

While we were traveling home from vacation, we ran into a little bit of a snag. Some cowboys were herding the cattle over the mountain, and WE were in the way. As you can see, the cows expected us to move out of the way. You can see Mike's arm out the window and see that the cattle is right next to us. The boys were asleep and Devin woke up just in time to see the cows. Carter, however, woke up as we started moving again.