Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Tooth Fairy's Broke

The tooth fairy had to come 2 times this week. First Sammy lost her tooth and then Carter did. I think the tooth fairy may have to take out a loan soon. Carter talks a little funny now! Sammy's is hard to see, but it is the tooth on the left side, in the front.


cheri said...

Raegan is soooo jealous!! She wants to lose teeth right now like all the big kids, and was really mad when I told her she'd probably have to wait another 2 years!! Tell Sammi and Carter I need a loan...forget the toothfairy!

Jenn Allphin said...

I COMPLETELY understand! Ember has lost tooth after tooth and there was one time that it was 4 in one week! Almost always it is two at a time. I can't believe how many teeth kids have. I still have Kenz and Ash to still loose them. AUGH!!! The tooth fairy will need to find another job to cover the expense of more teeth she collects!